Monday, October 6, 2014

Why I am happy

why I am happy: I have a place to live, food to eat, a loving family, a doctor to go to when im sick, access to education, i am in good health, i have legs to walk on and i am not disabled, i live in a free country where i am not forced to have certain beliefs, i am given opportunities despite being of a historically oppressed sex, I have an ability to pick my career, I dont work 12 hour days in a sweat shop, I have no idea what it's like to face racial discrimination, I will probably never know what it's like to live in poverty, I will most likely always have a place where I can live, always have food to eat, and always have people to count on.
why i am sometimes unhappy: when things dont go my way, when people disappoint me, sometimes i wish my life were different, sometimes i get annoyed when i have to wake up for class when i dont want to, things like very slow traffic annoy me, i get upset when i feel like im disliked by people, I get down on myself from time to time.
the things i listed in the first paragraph are just a few of the blessings i have been given. Not many people worldwide can claim to have all of the things I listed in the first paragraph, and it blows my mind that I get unhappy sometimes given my blessings. i guess it is easy to get stuck in a trap of being unhappy when stuck in the day to day of life. despite the momentary annoyances or disappointments in life, I am happy, and I dont really think I could always say this. happiness is a choice. you can have everything and not be happy (as i think many are) and you can have nothing and be satisfied. if you're reading this post and have a computer and access to the internet and the free time to look at facebook, im sure you have a lot to be grateful for as well.
not sure what im trying to accomplish with this post but it felt right i guess lol. (did my ethos just decrease by saying lol in a serious facebook post?!!!‪#‎shoot‬) anyways, thats all i gotta say. i bet some people are gonna hate on this post, but whatever. I will claim that I still am probably pretty poorly informed on many world issues (what is isis??? jk- i know that one!). adios world.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Intentions for the blog, etc.

I've been thinking about the idea of "creating a blog" for some time now. Upon waking this morning, I decided today was the day. Went on a bike ride earlier today to get some exercise before attacking this beast. Now I'm sitting in my bed in comfortable clothing, with acoustic guitar music resonating throughout my room, ready to share all my deepest thoughts with the world (because that's how all bloggers do it right????)

I'm a thinker. I love wrestling with ideas and concepts. Currently, I have a very informal way of documenting my thoughts - I keep them in a notepad in my phone. I intend to develop these ideas into blog posts. I'd love to hear others' feedback on my posts.

I feel as though many bloggers have a theme of sorts to their page - maybe they write about cooking, or political ideas, or I don't know, a commentary on all of Justin Bieber's outfits in the past 5 years. I do not know the purpose of this blog, and I do not intend to ever really have a universal theme for it.

For me, it's about writing. I enjoy the process of connecting words together in order to express thoughts in a coherent, stylized manner. I want to use writing as a way to learn more about myself as well as sharing my ideas with others.

I haven't really written in a year. In high school, I wrote a good amount, as an editor of my school's newspaper as well as taking a variety of English and humanities classes that required lots of papers. This past year I went off to a big state university for my freshman year of college. My classes were large gen eds and the way of examination was usually multiple choice tests. For numerous reasons, I've decided that the whole big school thing wasn't for me, so another intention of mine for blogging is to improve my writing as I make the transition to a liberal arts college.

A little bit about more myself: I am a 19 year old female (pardon the formality of this statement. Labeling myself as "woman" didn't feel right, and neither did "girl"). I am pretty much an open book in terms of my interests. As a kid and throughout my young adulthood, I was involved in athletics (including playing on an all boys hockey team!), music, theater, service clubs, etc. I've pretty much tried it all. Now, I have an interest in music (have recently been teaching myself the guitar), health and fitness, and academia.

This fall will be a completely different time for myself. I am between colleges, so while I'll be finishing up some of my gen eds at community college, I'll have a huge amount of time on my hands. I'm really looking forward to it, though. I still feel unsure about what I'd like to study in school, so I plan to think about that more. I also want to think more about myself as a person, as lame as that sounds. I want to think critically about what I value and believe in, so I can guide myself toward a path for the future. I'm sure part of my blog will emcompass my journey through self discovery.

But I don't intend the purpose of this blog to be solely about myself and my experiences. I intend to discuss ideas, reactions to readings I've done, my commentary on current events, etc.

I apologize for this word vomit that I call my first blog post. If anything, I hope that I have expressed a little bit about myself and my intentions for this page, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me.

I'm out for now, later fellow bloggers.